
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Picture-Perfect Potted Plants

I love pots to plant perennials in! And annuals, too. Pots can add so much in the way of focal point interest, providing for unusual soil requirements, and the ability to move blooming plants where you need them.

You can hardly see the pots, above, for the Sweet Georgia Deep Purple ipomea, the frilly white lilies, pink verbena, and purple perennial heliotrope. Another pot holds yellow violas, and yet another is filled with pink- purple and lime green coleus. These pots are clustered on the vinca-draped railroad-tie stairs leading up from my back door.

 The large round pot I found on sale, spilling over with pink calibrachoa, yellow violas, petunias and little white daisy-types.

Pink begonias overwintered in my south window in this shallow blue pot.

Geraniums, red calibrachoa, and white verbena in an interesting blue pot.

A small dogwood in a pot among the violets. I have since had to plant it in the ground, since it got too big even for this pot.

Counter-clockwise: yellow-throated pink calibrachoa, salmon-pink diascia, plum-colored Martha Washington geraniums, pink zinnia from seed, White Diamond euphorbia, and neon pink annual vinca.

Yellow violas, lime green ipomea, and an annual grass.

Verbena and white petunias.

Verbena and pink petunias in a shallow terra cotta pot.